What is Earth Day?
April 20 2021 – Cecily Morgan

What is Earth Day?
An annual event that celebrates our beautiful earth and raises awareness of how we can better protect it, Earth Day is the most important date in any environmentalist’s diary.
Originally coordinated by American activist Denis Hayes - who dropped out of Harvard to organise it - Earth Day was born in the United States in 1970. A huge 20 million Americans mobilised on the first ever Earth Day and from that point onwards, it’s never stopped gaining momentum. First going global in 1990, Earth Day has become a worldwide event for everyone who cares about the planet - it’s now celebrated by a billion people in over 190 countries.
In the midst of the climate crisis, unprecedented plastic pollution, and species loss, Earth Day gets a little more important and poignant every year and we hope more people than ever will take part in 2021.
Earth Day 2021
Earth Day takes on a new theme each year. Chosen in May 2020, this year’s theme is Restore Our Earth, which focuses on “natural processes, emerging green technologies, and innovative thinking that can restore the world’s ecosystems”, simultaneously rejecting the idea that adaption is the only way to tackle climate change. Our beautiful earth can be restored and now is the best time to do it.
The theme of restoration seems pretty apt after the devastating year the world has experienced. With animal agriculture the most likely root of the Covid-19 pandemic, 2020 showed us what can happen when the earth and wildlife are mistreated. As vaccines rollout and hope increases that normality is on the brink of being restored, it’s vital that we remember to look after the earth and restore her too - not only for our sake but for animals and for future generations.
Our Earth Day
As a company whose heart lies in caring for the earth and endangered animals, Earth Day is always a special day for us. We’re especially proud to be supporting work that restores nature by donating a portion of our profits to WWF and other amazing charities. We like to think that we Restore Our Earth every day of the year.
One particular way that our socks are helping restore nature is by fighting deforestation, which is one of the leading threats to wildlife and the main reason why so many animals are endangered. Our Orangutan socks are protecting forests and restoring wildlife corridors to reconnect isolated Borneo Orangutan populations and our Giant Panda socks are promoting the effective management, restoration, and reconnection of Giant Panda habitats. If you’d like to celebrate Earth Day by supporting this incredible work, simply head to our sock shop to give the earth - and your feet - a little TLC.
If you’re thinking about planning an online event or fundraiser for Earth Day, you’ll find more information and lots of ideas at EARTHDAY.ORG and if you’d like to spare a little money for the cause, you can visit their donation page.